High Valley Theatre

The High Valley Theatre and Ojai Players 1942 - 51

Opening of school, text:
														THE OJAI FRIDAY
Theater School to Open Here Monday
(By Guido Ferrando)
"All the world is a stage and all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time, plays many parts . . ..
What Shakespeare say of hu. man life in general, is also true in a narrower sense, and can be applied to our daily existence.
We all act, and are almost always very poor actors; it might profit us to learn how to play our parts better. Joking aside, the opening of the High Valley Theatre Workshop and Dramatic school is a very important event in the life of our beautiful Valley. Ojai is justly proud of its many schools, some of which have a remarkably high stan. dard; it harbours a small, but very active international colony of thinkers, artists, writers, who give it a unique spiritual and artistic atmosphere; and for its fine climate and its wonderful situation, it is well suited to be. come the home of other important cultural institutions. The High Valley Theatre school is one of them; and, if successful, it will bring a powerful contri. bution to the intellectual and artistic life not only of the Val. ley, but of all California.
The aims of the Theatre are: first, to train actors; then, to prepare significant plays, old and new, and send them on tour; and, lastly, to bring the actors back to a home, the workshop, where they may further develop and perfect their work. It is not an easy task that of forming a good actor; it requires a lot of training and a deep understanding. The body must be trained, and this train-ing includes dancing and fencing and the flve Greek gymnas. tics which form a basis for many aspects of dramatic ex. pression. Then the voice must be trained and the pupil must learn the use of speech through a special method of speech formation and eurythmy. Then the imagination must be developed, and at the same time the future actor, to perfect his technique, must study and understand the psychology of human nature.
The school, charmingly locat. ed in the Upper Valley, on the main road to Santa Paula, will open on January 6, and will have full and part time instruc tion courses. It is under the direction of Alan Harkness, who tions "Cricket on the Hearth,"
"Uncle Vanya," and the "Nativ. ity" (still being performed in the Valley). Mr. Harkness will have as his collaborators Ronald Bennett, a superb actor, also of the Chekhov group, who has had several years experience as a teacher of dramatics and di. rector of plays; Mechtild Johan-nsen, an exquisite singer and musician who has had experi. ence in the different branches of music and the theatre both in Switzerland and in America;
Henry Kersh, a dancer now per forming with Lotte Goslar and company, and a creative artist who has had three years' teaching experience. Let us hope for the sake of true art and, also, selfishly, for our own personal enjoyment, that this splendid group of actors and teachers will succeed in their arduous task to create a fine dramatic school and train excellent play. ers, thus uplifting the standard of the American prose theatre and enriching our lives by the production of great plays, beautifully acted and admirably staged.

Brochure for High Valley Theatre School
High Valley Theatre - brochure, text: 
Monday through Friday
17 weeks Pat tom-terman sal la Manet int, 1917, Sept. - Jon.
per term
Monday and Wednesday. 8:00 to 10:00 P.M.
Beginning January 6th, 1947
$12.00 per week
SaturdaM, 2-00 to 1:00 P.M. and 7:00 to
Beginning January 4th, 1947
$12.00 per weck
Sunday. 2:00 to 4:00 P.M. and 7:00 to 9:00 P.M.
Beginning January 5th, 1947
per week Courses A. B and C will cover the same ground in class, rehcarsal and individual instruction, They have been arranged so that people with limited time avail.
able for study can participate in the tratning. In the idyllic valley of Olat, a miracle happened: a group
of artists played. All players gave an example of excellent unison and stand
as a symbol that art as art is still in the first rank.
For Jurther information write or telephone
Box 116-A, Rourt 1
cellent productions, besutifully octed odmirably stoped, All kinds of people made up the audunce-from, formers who had
nose, men a glen bolere, is peters and direct her does thalls.
in swars time perhaps thel name wil be nalionally amous The work they are doing right at the moment is of the utmost ins
portance to
airy prominentarol

High Valley Theatre - brochure: text: 
														and further develop and deepen the work. The MetHoD or TraiNiNg is based on the approach of the Chekhov Theatre Studio, whereby a thorough training of voice and body for dramatic expression, as well as the
actor's own inner creativeness is developed.
SOME IMPORTANT ASPECTS OF THE TRAINING: Imagination of a role. Inner and outer characteristics
and their incorporation. Appranch to technique through psychological gesture,
objective, and justification. The five Greek Gymnastics which form a basis for
many aspects of dramatic expression. Deepening the experience of speech through atudies
based on
Rudolf Stelner's method of
lion and Eurythmy.
Dancing. The Application of all polnts of approach to dramatic sketches and improvisations, where problems of atmos- phere, ensemble, rhythm, dramatic
are exercised. Lacrukrs will be given on theatro history. evolation of
the drama, and past and present trends.
PERFORMANCES A lange part of the training will consist of public oppear-
ances in plays which have been prepared in the workshop. This will provide opportunity for practical experience in taleung, and la die proponation of cadlumes, soners, and
Rehearsals and classes to be conducted by:
soon ofter gradunting from Brown
Thentro Studio where he he has had several years of experienco as a
director and teacher. MEcHTHILD JoMANNseN has had experience in the dif
ferent branches of muse and the theatre, both in Ametica and in Switzerland: directing pageants, appeoring in
Earthmy petformances,
Gilbert and
and in summer stock.
Henry KeRsH has had three years, teaching experience. Dancing in concert with Lotte Goslar and Company, he
also creates and performs his own programs.

Program for Macbeth
Macbeth program, text:
														THE OJAI FESTIVAL PLAYERS are the acting company of the High
Valley Theatre. THE AIM OF THE HIGH VALLEY THEATRE is to be a workshop where actors may be fully trained, and a theatre where significant plays. old and now, may be prepared and sont on four, with the actors receiving this necessary experience of appearing before audi. ences. The training ground is to be a home to which the actors may
return and further develop and deepen the work. THE METHOD OF TRAINING is based on the approach of the Chekhov Theatre Studio, whereby a thorough training of voice and body for dramatic expression, as well as the actor's own inner creat.
iveness is developed.
For further information write or telephone
THE HIGH VALLEY THEATRE Box 116-A, Route I Ojai, California
Telephone, Ojai 7625
Directed by Alan Harkness

Cast list for Macbeth
Macbeth program, text:
Duncan, King of Scotland.
Sam Schatz
Malcolm his sons
Phil Harvey
Macbeth Generals of the
*Woody Chamblin, Ford Raine
[King's army
*Ford Rainey. Woody Chamblin
] Noblemen of Scolland/
Ronald Bennett
John Cook
Craig Kennan
Fleance, son to Banquo.
Daphne Moore
Seyton, an officer attending on Macbeth
Mark Lane
A Doctor.
Sam Schatz
An Old Man.
George Channing
A Porter.
Som Schatz
„Phil Harvey. Ronald Bennett
Lady Macbeth
_M Erica Chambliss. Iris Tree
Gentlewoman, attendant on Lady Macbeth
Maud Flotcher
Lady Macduff.
*Dophno Moore, Barbora Griggs
Her Son.
Mark Hossoll
Ist Witch
Sam Schatz
2nd Witch.
John Cook
3rd Witch.
..Mary Lewis Kirkman
Maris Lindley. Lolita Douglas
* Playing alternate performances.
Scono 2
Scone 3
Witches, a Battle
A Heath
A Battlement at Glamis Castle
A Courtyard at Glamis Castle
..The Battlemont
The Countard
Scene 7.
Scene 8.
Scone 9.
Scene 10. The Kings Castle at Forres
..The Kings Castle at Forres
Outside the Castle
The Banquet
Ten Minute Intermission
Scene 3
Scene 5.
A Cavern
Macduff's Castle at Fife
Exile in England
The King's Castle at Dunsinane
..Birnam Wood
The Battlement at Dunsinane
Arrangements of Early Celtic Music-
conducted by.
Mechthild Johannsen Performed by Henrietta Amundsen, Richard Brison, Leigh Cross. Lolita Douglas, Barbara Griggs. Phil Harvey. Mary
Perrine. Anna Taylor.
Stage Managers.
Scenic Construction.
Mary Lewis Kirkman, Mark Lane, Bill Cairs
Ford Rainey
Roy Patton, Ronald Bennett, Rupert Carr
Maris Lindley
J. W. Chambliss
Daphne Moore. Babette Ferrer. Sue Beck
Box Office and Publicity-
Louise Hall, Maud Fletcher, Sam Schatz, Mark Lane We wish to express our thanks to the many people who have
made this production possible. Special thanks are tendered to Mr.
F. M. Eakin and the Sonta Paula Union High School for their gen-
arouse cooparation

Macbeth program, text:
														Don't Miss the Most Exciting Stage Event of the Year
Celebrated Ojai Players' Magnificent Production of Shakespeare's
Directed by Alan Harkness - Music by Mechthild Johansen
BRILLIANT ALL STAR CAST leis Tree, Ford Rainey, Daphne Moore, Sam Schatz,
Woodrow Chambliss, Ronald Bennett and 20 Others.
LAS PALMAS THEATRE - 1642 North Las Palmas, Hollywood - GL. 7191 or HE. 0764
- Sunday Motinees at 2:30 Seats and Mail Orders Now, $2.40, $1.80, $1.20 (except Sat.), tax included,
at Box Office, also at So. Cal. Music Co., 737 So. Hill, TU. 1144, and all agencies.

Macbeth reviews, text:
														Santa Barbara News Press
Ojai Players Win Top
The Ventura (Calif.) County Star-Free Press
Ranking With 'Macbeth'
Olivier's "Henry
The dramatic artists and arti
timeless story of the disintegra
Sharespearesnes arepresents
sans o Oiai came to Santa Bar-| Darn asansast Bird and beyond any question that they
serious v to De
So IRIS TREEWINS tion of a man, the second presen ed for cisrity and meaning. the
tation of the Ojai Festivals,
of his language shines
Harkness and his
d with
achieved a magnificent fusion of out the bombast and mouthing
rockonedwith n the American
The Festival Players' produc
tion faShakesppares
color and light, speech and mu
and draper
times descend
With the solo passages keyed
bag to their proper relationship with
Tanks went he minest present?.
trumpets and reed instru- the whole tragedy, the
tons of the hard's tragedies that Performance as Lady Macbeth at ments and the shifting patterns of
scenes of action emerge as among nastin a cozen vears-Booths
goes for the touring companies
Carmel Brings Big Ovation
light combine
a page the most vital and exciting of the
medieval Scottish
Day wonder cooramnated en
important names.
semble. playing makes thrilling
The same sure sense of sound the scene after the king's murder,
The staging was simply su
and medieval pageantry shown by when Lady
mists, the bare suggestions of
CARMEL, June 15. -A Shake
Harkness' players in their mid-
Macbeth tells of his murder
stony outcroppings castle walls spearean role is an actor's great die-Enelish
Christmas play
cre the royal grooms, deaths
not in.
est achievement - it the actor
the fourished splendors of cluded in her ambitious schemes
alone was sufficient
really achieves it.
"Macbeth"'s staging.
the for her husband's advancement The visua v.minders the musie
and sounds offers
Thus spoke Iris Tree today be same gifts
characterization Equally
exciting is thebanose
fore going on the boards of Car- which created Chekhov's unhappy scene,
whose early asiety
tection to succostha nevorsae mel's Golden Bough Playhouse to folk
uncle vanya, take
rests starkly with macoein's
march otevenis.on
enact the great murder perpetrat- Shakespeare's familiar characters plotting and the later havoc cre mense or watting, to enchant
of Lady Macbeth in and lines from the textbooks
he Day was to he renasien
the Shakespearean tragedy, Bac bring them to vigorous life.
ated by his raving hallucinations
this matinee and evening. with
In the title role, Ford Rainey
Macbeth, Iris Such qualms must surely have
"Macbeth" in the Ojal Festival blays Macbeth
as a so dier and
Tree as.
Macbeth and
Daphne Moore as Lady Macduff
been dispelled two and a half players pertormance, is a play of man of action, never schooled in
the cast otherwise unchanged. hours later when she bowed to a action. Shakespeare's five acts and deception; his
well deserved and enthusiastic innumerable scenes have been martial bearing make it a living
All who can enjov the finest in ovation,
telescoped into two parts includ- portrait.
The trancelike spell in
the allied arts of the theater will
ing 16
be well advised to attend. Santa
Wise cutting and which
he enters the
scenes speed
the chamber and the frenzied tever Barbara should encourage and
support the honest. the rich. the
Her performance was excellent, play's pace, and particularly
his romorse after the deeds
as were those of Ford Rainey as Part I,
the drama hurtles re done are among the moss meth
artistically conceived and skill.
Macbeth, Ronald Bennett as Mac- lentlessly,
pa rosan тол
these neighbors from Ojai.
Ammo its concitision duft, and, for that matter, virtual-
ly the entire supporting cast.
Miss Tree, already a well known
Ojai Players
actress and daughter of the late
Ojai Players' Macbeth Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree, one
time leading figure of the British
Give Macbeth
stage, rendered the difficult role
BY R. ELLIS ROBERTS of Lady Macbeth both creditable
and exciting,
Shakespeare is every age's contemporary. Do you want satire
on surrealism? Read Love's Labour Lost. Or Existentialism? Go to
part easily overacted. Timon of Athens. Of all modern plays I think The Tragedy of Mac-
Macbeth, considered by many to But Mfiss free ald not overdo bet beth is the livellest and most bitter. As, entranced, I sat through be the greatest of all tragedies, re- job, Instead, she made of Lady ceived an' eloquent and Inspiring Macbeth a vitally human woman the two performances by the Ojai Players on Sunday and Monday,
presentation at the Golden Bough obsessed with the desire to dis lovely and gorgeous as was the presentation of eleventh century Theater yesterday, at the hands of card
the Ojal Festivul Players.
humanity in order to Scotland, it was of our own times |
achieve her ambition.
I thought. This has but just hap- suggestion of height!), the magi-
There was a sense of compos!- FAMED SCENE.
pened. This is our day, our trage.
cal lighting, the sense of rest with-
tion and rhythm in the 16 scenes
How singularly Macbeth's wife dy. In more ways than.
It was in movement were admirable. And
resembled symphonic music falled in this emotional sloughing easy
back of Hecate's the play was played by a company, Great credit for this and much off process was aptly portrayed slaves, the Weird Sisters, the foul acting in unison, each a part of a else is due Director Alan Hark- by Miss Tree in the famous sleep- pretense of Hitler's astrologers, to whole. Even in the soliloquies the
ness. The lighting, off stage sounds walking scene with its attendant see
in the savage
siguanter of speaker was never solitary - and
especially the bagpipes, helped to and equally famed line,
Macduff's wife and children a pre.
that is one of the great tests of a
creste an atmosphere suited to the
* Miss Tree brought sage of the blood-purge of 1937. Shakespearean production. If a so-
time and place.
to this sequence the full impact|
Or, to change the scene, to discov- liloquy is a recitation the produc-
of tortured consclence and crack- er the shabby, tight-lipped, sinis-
For the most part the
ter people of James Cain's or. I
The music was
W. worthy of the high theme and its
castIng mind that was Lady Mac- R. Burnett's novels transported to poetry. seemed to be speaking their own beth's punishment.
thoughts. There wasn't a trace of
The actress was at her very poetic tragedy in this tale of Gru- Iris Tree belongs to the tradition
that declaiming,
ach, who is Lady Macheth,
and of Duse.
Sha did
not act Lady
wich formerly best, however, in the carter sone her most infelicitous husband.
marred the best "Macbeths." In- where Macbeth, weakening in his
• On- Macbeth. She was that loving and deed, the players seemed to be resolve to murder King Duncan, ly a little imaginative intelligence lamentable lady. It was as if she
thinking things out as they went Is taunted into fulfiling the deed is needed for an audiencourtime, had emptied herself, and given
that Macbeth is a tale of our time,
along. Asides were really asides. by his wife.
Here Miss Tree re
possession of her body and spirit
Comments were whispered when created all the grisly realism of of all time, a revelation, made by to the luckless queen, the devoted
WAS naperative
Each Lady Macbeth's machinations.
a poet who believed strongly in wife of the man for whose sake
thought developed by the action GOOD SETTINGS. the dreadful and comfortable doc- she would sacrifice the hope of
trine of original sin. seemed to burst upon the player as
an idea just hatched. Consideration,
Ford Rainey, who made of
heaven and accept the dread
Macbeth an equally human per-
To the eye and the ear the Ojai hell.
It was great per-
surorise, relection scumedsoon- son, warrants special considera.
Players' production comes as near formance, worthy of the name she tion, not only for his acting but to giving complete satisfaction as bears. No one who saw it could
for his settings.
Rainey's starkly one can demand. The simple, mas- fail to
Imaginative scenery can best be sive scenery of Ford Rainey's
described as perfect for the play. good especially was the

Review of program of Irish plays
Review clipping, text:
														Theater Famous Irish Plays in Rehearsal
For March Civic Theater Offering Both St. Patrick, patron saint chael Byrne, the tinker whose been executed as an unwavering of. Ireland, and Lady Gregory heart really isn't set on matri- patriot. Uncertainty, doubt, grief the patron saint of Dublin's fa- mony. The cast of four also will and joy are fused in this haunt.
include Iris Tree as Mary Byrne ing little play to make it. as mous Abbey Theater, apparently who takes her potheen and loose
were peering over the shoulder
critics have adjudged it, one of
valuables where she finds them:
the great tragic experiences of of Director Alan Harkness when Mechthild Johannsen as Sarah the modern theater.
he made his selections for the Casey, who causes all the trouble
just because it is Spring or some.
The exacting role of Mary
fourth and final production of thing; and Alan Harkness as the
Cahel, the old mother, will be
the Civic Theater's Winter se-
played by Iris Tree, who lived
unfortunate priest, who was for a number of years in Ireland res, to be staged at the Lobero blarneyed into a cut-rate cere and is an authority on Irish dia- Theater on the nights of March mony. Also in the works for a lect and costumery as well as an
6, 7 and 8.
walk-on role is Francis, a non- accomplished actress. The part For it's going to be an all.Irish talking donkey, who, however, of the daughterin-law, Mary
brays with a brogue. But Francis
program, Harkness announced
Cushin, will be taken by Mech-
is temperamental. His appear thild Johannsen, and that of the today, featuring J. M. Synge's ance and/or exit at any or all dour gatekeeper by Judson Mor-
gusty two-act farce,
"The Tin- performances is purely a tenta gan.
ker's Wedding," with two of tive arrangement.
The second curtain raiser,
Lady Gregory's intense and sus-
The Gaol Gate." by Lady
"The Rsing of the Moon," also
penseful one-act plays,
The Gregory, has for its locale the has its basis in the Irish struggle Gaol Gate" and The Rising of wall of Galway Prison, where a for political independence, but the Moon," preceding it as cur mother, fearful that her son is develops in a much lighter vein
tain raisers.
an informer, learns that he has than its companion piece. This trio, never before pre. sented to a Santa Barbara audi ence, offers a cross-section of the modern Irish theater at its best, with humor, drama and tragedy all memorably represented. The cast, composed entirely of local residents, already is well ahead of schedule on rehearsals, and Harkness anticipates a polished production of sustained and
unique interest.
Tinker's Wedding" Synge's only two-act play plunges with inimitable Gaelic zest and no ado whatever into the misfortunes of reluctant Mi- chael Byrne, a wandering tinker, pursued, by marriage-bent Sarah Casey, the one-time Beauty of Ballinacree. Nor are Michael's troubles lessened by the con- trivings of his tipsy mother- Ever-Thirsty Mary, as she is known to her friends, the publi cans. -who purloins the new can Michael, the tinker, has just fin- ished under duress as part of the marriage fee demanded by the
parish priest. No holds are barred in the eminently successful search for ludicrous situations- so much so, indeed, that Synge, in his preface, to the play, felt con- strained to say: "I do not think that these country people, who have so much humor themselves, will mind being laughed at with out malice, as the people of every country have been laugh- ed at in their own comedies." Ford Rainey, who displayed so notable a flair for comedy in last month's production of "High
Tor." will take the part of Mi. TRAPPED FUGITIVE (Ford Rainey) sings his way to freedom as he wins over an honest police sergeant (Alan Harkness) to the revolutionary cause in Lady Gregory's "The Rising of the Moon," one of the three Irish plays to be offered hy the Civic Theater at the
Lobero in March- News-Press photo by Hal Boucher,

Review of Pier Gynt, 1942
Pier Gynt review, text:
														THE OJAI
1 9 4 2 THE
PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING adult who chose to find them. such delicacy and perception as
But here too was that quality of to leave hardly a dry eye in the Entered at the United States postoffice in
Ojai. California, as second class matter.
"life" and the sense of the group, house and in a manner that
Subscriotions. per year: Local $3.00; out- each member of which had been could scarcely be matched on any
side Ventura County, $3.50 at one time king, or gardener, stage by any players. Adjectives
sorcerer, or favorite. The experi- may be dangerous, but still that
FRANK E. KILBOURNE, Editor and Publisher
BLANCHE KILBOURNE, Managing Editor ment of acting out a fairy tale was really great acting.
in order to loosen the limbs, stir
Work of such quality must con-
the imagination, and destroy self tinue at the Art Center and the
scious of the individuals, however consciousness flowered indeed in- group which has been meeting
good the execution of their parts, to a delightful fantasy in its fin- with Mr. Harkness should be en-
ished form.
so much as the group feeling
larged greatly. If he is able to
which gives an unusual degree of
The "Peer Gynt" Scene was a break down the walls of self-con- The two original plays and the rhythm and character to the rare treat for Ojai audiences. The sciousness and bring into free scene from "Peer Gynt," present- work. As Mr. Emil Ludwig said possibllities for maudlin overact- play the imagination and crea- ed at the Art Center last week «The color and the composition ing are copious in that particular tive spirit within each person he under the direction of Alan Hark- of "Fisher Folk" is so like a paint_ bit, but Alan Harkness and Iris is doing a magnificent job even if ness were excellent in every re- ing of Delacroix as to be phe. Tree interpreted the roles with no play were ever produced and spect. And it seemed to be the nomenal."
general opinion of everyone who
While this similarity to the attended the performances that particular painting he referred to if work of such caliber was "ex- is purely accidental, it might perimental," the entire valley, seem to point to the fact that along with people from Los An- this group technique integrates geles and Santa Barbara, wanted lines, settings, timing, and move- to be subjected to more such "ex- ment into a single harmonious
impression of great dramatic The three plays were received power. And when there is talent, with such unusual enthusiasm creative imagination, and a sort and by people of such diverse of sincere humility in the ap- tastes, ages, and interests as to proach to the work, whether it be bring up the question of what it a play, a painting, or a piece of was that produced such sympa- muste, artistic value is inevitable.
thy in the audiences and so cap-
There is nothing static about
tivated them.
such an approach. According to Possibly there are two answers: Mr. Harkness and Miss Tree, the the first is that by some happy! plays almost "grew" themselves, combination of the director, Mr. Le. nothing was so cut and dried Harkness, the writing of Iris Tree that it couldn't be altered by in- and the sincere work of the cast, teraction of the director, writer, that elusive quality of "life," and players themselves as they which turns the Illusion into uni- "felt their way" into the parts. versal truth and binds the audi- For this reason there was not a ence to the actors was caught single moment during the entire and sustained in all three plays. performance when any part "went This making of lines and situa- dead."
tions "come to life" is a creative
Perhaps, the depth and the
touch too often missed even in dignity expressed in
«Fisher the professional theatre, and to Folk" and the ironic gaiety and find It so evident, in an amateur whimsical humor exhibited in
group is more than exciting.
King Why" were only more pos- Secondly, the success of the sible because the members of the
original plays, 'Fisher Folk" and group working for weeks under
"King Why," seems to lie also in
Mr. Harkness had all tried, as the group technique as practiced human beings (not as actors), to
by Mr. Harkness. One is not con- reflect their own reactions to cer- tain given situations of grief or joy. Naturally garish theatrical hollowness could never come from such a genuine desire to under- stand life before attempting to
portray it. In "King Why" there was color and movement, humor and irony, the whole realm of fairlyland for the young and sardonic, almost
Voltarian, implications for the

Review of Noah, 1942
Review of 'Noah', text:
														"NOAH' TO BE
December 8, 1942 THE STAR-FREE PRESS stands for those principles which it regards as beneficial to the welfare of the community, for honest
journalism in news and editorial columns.
Historian Advises Ventura "Noah." a play which the Ojal theater group has presented four
timeg in the last two weeks at the
People to See Play
'Noah' Ojal Art Center, Is to be staged
for a Ventura audience at the jun-
(By Emil Ludwis, Internationally the most beautiful scene of this for college auditorium next Sat-
Turday night. Meanwhile, it is to
known biographer and historian, play.
be given two additional showings
after attending a performance of
The life on the deck of the ark,
"Noah" at Ojal, wrote the follow- on which the imprisoned greet the
on its home stage for soldiers sta.
ing article
tioned in the valley.
Star-Free first sunshine and solve the prob-
Press to interest
Ventura people lem of finding the day of the week
With Woodrow Chambliss in the
next Saturday's performance how they soon begin to quarrel,
title role and the widely known
of the play at the Jumior College and Ham, the revolutionary, calls retired actress iris Tree appear-
ing as Mrs. Noah, the production
auditorium here).
Dis mother anar unt the enors
has aroused much
In Ojai, a small and indepen.
-mous, whitebearded Noah hits him
dent group in the hands of an ex- down to the ground- how at Jast a play of equal interest for chil-
dren and grown-ups, the various
cellent producer has created a the
thrce sons depart with their
animals that
ark and at
theatrical evening which should wives for the
three worderotons
times joining in choruses and pug-
go to the main cities and onto the to become hunter, shepherd,
eant-like scenes especially
roads of California.
If a subject farmer: all this is given in such a
Is entertaining for everyone, even pregnant way, so full of a great
lighting the youngsters.
in the eyes of the many it is per- imagination
mitted to be artistical.
morale, that the childron and the
For the Saturday night per-
(Contioned from Page 1)
"In, the few pages of the Bible soldiers in the small auditorium
were as diverted as some few ar-
formance, there will be no re-
tists and philosophers.
gerved seating, except that a few dedicated to Noah, the only de-
tail that occurs is the
rows will be blocked off for buy-
who established a name for him- lidea of
Some 20 years ago in Europe,
ers of $1 tickets. The admission self locally last summer
the sending out of the and about
elkolovears acoreNow
production of three one-act plays
It is around this theme that York, this play- with Plete Fres price otherwise is to be a straight
50 cents a ticket. Plus, presum- that were presented both at Ofa!
the French poet Andre
and Santa Barbara.
Obey be- neg--mado a great impression; but
ably, war tax.
Paquita An- zan to dream: he made out of ihere on the west coast It is un-
Proceeds from the play will be
derson has charge ot the music the deeply meant symbol known.
The man who with great
turned over to the Oja: Art Center.
which plays a considerable part in joyous, many-coloured and fairy- art and enthusiasm, and almost
like story; "Noah."*
The cast 15 a large one, as lol-
the performance.
without money, has brought it to
is an English adaptation
He unrolls picture after picture,
by Arthur
life here is
Woodrow Chambliss play by Andre Obey.
of a French from the departure of the ark up has already
Alan Harkness.
It is hu- to its arrival on the peak of the parts
Sam Schaty
man, very moving and full of hu highest mountain.
Of course it is group.
Exlka Chambliss mor.
The author shows us Noah a family story, for only Noah's Mr.
Gordon Ludwig who "walked
Daphne. Moore
Woodrow Chambliss and
Ronald Bennett
as a family is shown; but it is enily- Miss Iris Tree, excellent as Noah
farmer. The play begins with Noah ened in the happlest way by the and wife, were surrounded by a
The Bear
talking to God about the question various ahimals, who play
Clift Harris of a rudder. for the ark..
David Hellwel
Noah the others- not speaking.
with number of young people
that there will be no need Maeterlinck or Rostand, but mute. ourful and
as in picted men and animals in a col-
for human guidance on this voy-
cheerful way.
Then Noah,
three sons and three of the neigh-
his wile. his these earliest
The hopes and fears that seize spectator that is not interested in
seafarers and the a sayer of mankind a kind of re- bors' girls embark with the ani- way in which they live inside and versed dictator will still like to
mals on God's Ark, in the hope of on board of their wooden box see the cow looking
a brave new world.
They sing a all this is held together by the window of the ark and shaking
Frank Morley Fletche song of praise as they board the figure of Noah, which would be her head as she hears the growl-
lark, with the corrupt disbelieving tiring it it did not dissolve into ing of her wild enemy the tiger,
Helen. Allan,
world drowning beneath them.
continual discourses with
God. who is in the act of imploring God
These conversations in themselves for wind.
When, at length the rain is over guise as much in the nature
The art of Mr. Harkness is es.
s Barbarr the srand beauty of the great of soliloquies as the ones Noah has pecially devoted to dance, rhythm
waters fills them with rejoicing with the animals; but the animals and chorus. With great taste he
and they dance with exuberance lion and tiger, wort and elc-bulds up groupings and images;
Singers: Barbara Griggs. Marian Gott. around the deck in the dawn of a phant-and others--answer him and creates pictures on the stage
golden age.
bain. Wilma.
But the canker of the persistently in their growling and as those of the great French pain-
old world has
Ancho Poter Gott
Ham is the sort spot.
board humming way, that they even take ters. It is a feast for the eye. Let's
pride sinhtings David hollwell
He doubts part in his invocation
Christmas. genin Everett, Marian Clark.
and Karen Van Leyden.
He taunts his shipmates with old
misgivings. He belabors his father
Saith Sewin. sard fatteld.
with skeptical questions.
Clift And Noah becomes the story of
a kindly, simple, old
maDe WhO
consycal, abasamara. comatooK grows Ionely in his faith, who pi-
ison the lots his craft safely to shore in
capable hands of Alan Harkness the midst of
doubts, and who is
"NOAH. Page 2) rudely deserted by the young folks
the moment they touch foot to
land. At length he is reluctantly
forced to conclude that God has
Yesterday's high-60,
him many hard knocks.
Last night's low-46. That is a touching moment when
in the pleaxness of his old age, the damp earth of a cold land, Noah shouts at the heavens "Are
you satistied?"
The answer is
rainbow curving down the sky.

Performance of Liliom, 1952
'Liliom' review, text:
														BARBARA NEWS-PRESS
1010 2000

'Liliom' review, text:
														'Liliom' Has Artistry and
Fine Acting
The Ojai Players present "Liliom," a legend by Ferenc Molar, directed by Iris Tree, settings and effects by Oliver Andrews, music by Joel Andrews and Robert Washburn, at the Lo-
bero Theater.
The cast:
....... Betty Harford
........... Mechthild Johanssen
Mrs. Muskat
.....Iris Tree
....Ford Rainey
Two Servant Girls.....
..June Swanson
Beverly Benedict
Two children
Man am.... Anne vans
Beatrice Evans
Policeman ............. Carl Ragland
Mother Hollunder…...Beverly Benedict
Fiesur. "the Sparrow'
...Judson Morgan
Wolf Beifeld..
.......Ed Preble Linzman...........Raymond Steyart
First policeman from Beyond..........
Second: policeman from Beyond......
..w.........Ed Preble
The rich woman....
.....June. Swankon
The poor man..
..Raymond Stewart
The Magistrate..
...Judson Morgan
Judy Evans
By RONALD D. SCOFIELD The Ojai Players, whe have brought a number of outstand- ing artistic. performances co the Lobero in recent years, came to town last night with a produc tion of Molnar's tender, whimsi- cal and tragic legend of a rough- edged ne'er-do-well named Lili. om, who was undone and saved _by his love for a trusting
young girl. It is a production that has a great deal of artistry, in acting. in scenic and lighting effects and in mood and pace. It is not up to the standard of the best pre- vious work of this group of play. ers. for it is not seasoned and polished and perfected in many details. But it is excellent in con ception, and fine enough in many aspects to indicate that it has the makings of a real work
of theater art.

Lilliom cast list, text:
														High Valley Theater
JUNE 13, 14, 15
"LILIOM" A Legend In Seven Scenes And A Prologue
by Ferenc Molnar
Mrs. Muskat
Two servant girls
Two children
Mother Hollunder Ficsur, 'the Sparrow' Wolf Beifeld
Linzman First policeman from Beyond
Second policeman from Beyond
The rich woman
The poor man
The Magistrate
Louise .....
Betty Harford
Mechthild Johannsen
Iris Tree
Ford Rainey
June Swanson
Beverly Benedict
Anne Evans
Beatrice Evans
Carl Ragland Beverly Benedict
Judson Morgan
Ed Preble
Raymond Stewart
Carl Ragland
Ed Preble
June Swanson
Raymond Stewart
Judson Morgan
Judy Evans PROLOGUE: An amusement park on the outskirts of Budapest
Scene One: A lonely place in the park.
Scene Two: The photographic studio of Mother Hollunder.
Scene Three: Same as scene Two.
Scene Four: A railroad embankment
Scene Five: Same as scene two.
Scene Six: A courtroom in the Beyond.
Scene Seven: Julie's garden.
Settings and effects by Oliver Andrews
Music composed and executed by Joel Andrews
Costumes by Florence Von Breyman
Stage Manager
Business Manager
Carl Kern
Beth Morgan
Hamilton Bingham
The Ojai Players sincerely thank Mrs. Robert Hyde, Mrs. Alee Sanford and Mrs. Martha Agnew for their kind help in the pro-
duction of 'Liliom

'Liliom' reviews, text:
At Lobero
This Week
Against the infectlously gay
SANTA BARBARA ACTORS background of a carnival. Ferenc Betty. Harford will be seen as Molnar's modern classic "Lillom" the lovable and comical Marie runs the gamut of human emo- while Beverly Benedict, former
tions from tender love to tragic
Santa Barbara College
violence. Saturday and Sunday
will appear as Julle's aunt. Ed
night the Ojai Players will bring
Preble plays Marie's boy friend
Wolf and Ray Stewart appears this perennially popular play to in two supporting roles. Also the Lobero Theater to delight au-
diences with its combination of
cast are June Swanson, Carl
colorful realism and noetic fan. Raglan, and Judy Evans,
Imaginative settings and pro
IRIS TREE DIRECTS jections by Santa Barbara artist
Oliver Andrews and special incl
Under the direction of Iris dental
Tree, the competent cast of ac
written by his
tors well known to Santa Bar- brother, Joel Andrews, will en.
hance this spirited production of
bara theater audiences will cre.
"Lillom" which opened in Ojai ate the magic tale of the Hun- Friday night and will tour other
garian carnival barker which has
California cities after its Lobero entranced audiences in Europe run. Hamilton Bingham Is the
and America time and again.
company manager. Cast in the title tole is Ford Rainey, who has been seen here in many character parts. Oppo. site him Metchild Johannsen will bring wide experience to her
Liliom's sweetheart Julie. The possessive carousel owner will be portrayed by Iris Tree while Liliom's cor. rupting friend Fixeur will be played by Judson Morgan, who was widely applauded here for
his recent performance of the
Wed. 'Liliom' Has Artistry and
Fine Acting
The Ojai Players present "Liliom," a legend by Ferene Moinar, directed by Iris Tree, settings and effects by Oliver Andrews, music by Joel Andreas and Robert Washburn, at the Lo
bero Theater.
The cast;
Julies.......... Mechisna

'Liliom' cartoon,
														GAY CARNIVAL ATMOSPHERE IN MOLNAR PLAY THESE IMPRESSIONS OF the Ojai Players production of Ferenc Molar's poignant and colorful play "Liliom" were sketched by Don Freeman as the group rehearsed in its High Valley Theater at Ojai for its appearance at the Lobero Saturday and Sunday nights. Featured are the four actors shown in the foreground (from left to right) Iris Tree as Mrs. Muskat, Judson Morgan as Fixeur, Mechthild Johannsen as Julie and Ford Rainey
as biliom.

'Liliom' review, text:
														TWO ARE SUPERB Two of the women in the cast give superb performances- -Bet tv Harford as Marie. the jittle
country girl who falls in love 'with a porter, and Mechthild Johannsen as Julie, the servant maid who finds the reason for Ilife in the rowdy, proud, lawless carousel barker whose nickhame
is Liliom. While these two dominated the stage, there was magic -even though the lines were those of giggling adolescents, or simple. minded innocents. Miss Harford has something close to sheer ge nius in the artless skill with which she mirrors moods, from tremulous, childish anger, fear, romantic yearning, to prosaic practicality and mature tender- ness. Miss Johannsen has not only fine artistry, but a compel ling presence that gives author ity and meaning to her charac
terization. Ford Rainey is seen in that idle role, and while he conveys st he thing of the warring elemen
Liliom's personality, he fally
short of artistic conviction. Somehow he turns the legendary show.off into a sentimentalized nature's nobleman who finds himself, surprisingly, garbed in the costume and character of a carnival barker. The fiery, reck- less desperate nature that masked Liliom's soft heart and good intentions is not persua
sively suggested.
Iris Tree cast herself as Mrs. Muskat the carousel proprietor who also loved Liliom and schemed to win him back from his childish bride. It is not a very demanding role, but she fills it admirably and convinc
MORGAN IN 2 ROLES Judson Morgan is seen in two roles. that of Ficsur, "the Spar- row," who lures Liliom into a tragedy holdup fiasco, and of the Magistrate in the Heavenly Court. Here is where the lack of seasoning is most apparent, for Morgan is capable of superb characterizations and impeccable style. His conception of the rote of Sparrow is excellent, but his dance.like manner of movement needs to be perfected to give a simulation of naturalness, with out loss of the rhythmic feeling he so skillfully conveys. As the Magistrate he was less command- ing. less impressive vocally than
he might have been.
Beverly Benedict as Julie's
Aunt, Mother Hollunder:
the photographer, and Ed Preble as Wolf, Marie's affianced, gave re. markably fine performances, sen- sitive and convincing. Carl Rag- land as the policeman was rea- sonably adequate, but rather pro. saic in his lines. Raymond Stew. art as Linzman, the intended holdup victim, was entirely ade. quate, if not inspired. The other minor bits were well handled by June Swanson, Anne Evans,
Beatrice Evans, and Judy Evans. The scenic effects, while obvi. ously achieved with the simplest devices, were remarkably effec- tive in dramatic suggestion and pleasing in color and composi
tion. The play will be repeated this evening, and it is well worth the attention of anyone who has a love of the theater. The short comings are those natural to a production that has not had time
to mature in actual performance -not those of inadequate con
ception or poor casting.

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